Low FPS in CSGO and LoL GTX 1050 ti

Jun 25, 2018
Hello, so i just installed csgo and league and in both games i get about 60 max even though in youtube people get like 300+ fps
I have tried playing around with their settings and it stayed the same
my temperatures are fine also in other games such as gta 5 or fallout 4 i get 60+ fps on max settings.

My specs are
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1400
RAM: 8 gb
GPU: GTX 1050ti
What could be the problem? Any help would be appreciated.
Sounds like vsync is on in CSGO and LOL. What vsync does is that it caps the frame rate to the refresh rate of the monitor (which I assume is your case). There are 2 places where you can turn it off:

1) In the graphics settings of the games
2) In the nVidia control panel under "manage 3d settings"

After turning vsync off, your FPS will no longer be capped to 60 and will produce more frames as can be produced by your hardware.

vsync is already turned off in both games in nvidia settings and in-game settings



I can't show you a screenshot of it because its in Turkish but my League settings are on high and vsync is off

I did uninstall the old drivers with DDU and installed the latest driver but it didn't work its still the same
I don't know the model of my PSU, how do i check it?