Low fps on everything


Jun 7, 2016
Hey guys I have been running into a problem after upgrading my PC. I keep getting very low fps on all games ranging from 1-15 fps. I have tried adding more RAM and even reapplying thermal paste to my CPU which made it somewhat better but still in that same ballpark. Any help would be appreciated! Also, I'm sort of a newbie at this sort of stuff.

CPU: Intel i5 4460 @ 3.20 GHz
GPU: EVGA Nvidia GeForce gtx 960
PSU: Corsair CX500M
16gb Ram
GPU clock speed @ 1479 MHz

I just downloaded it and it's saying my CPU is running at a max of 100 degrees Celsius and 89 degrees min. This is the only thing I see that is really high and I'm just idle.
I just ran the Heaven benchmark and it ran at a solid 60-70 fps but when I launched into a game it dropped to 1-7. Both of these were on the lowest settings too. I decided to run the benchmark again and it went back down to 1-7 fps