Question Low FPS on i7 4770k 3.50GHz + 16GB RAM + GTX 1080

Dec 23, 2020
Hi everyone, I'm having kind of trouble. I recently bought the GTX 1080 and mounted in my PC ( i7 4770k 3.50GHz + 16GB RAM). According to the benchmarking I should be running Fortnite for instance with low graphs at 250-300 fps, but I'm actually getting 90 with ocasional drops down to 10 or 40. I've tried almost everything: DIisplay Driver Uninstall and reintsall them, reinstall windows, reinstall Fortnite... Actually I cannot pass the 120 consistent fps. When I turn the praphics to high I still get the same fps. Any idea what's going on? Thank you very much!
Sounds like you might need faster ram and a 1Ghz overclock on that 4770k

See where overclocking the cpu gets you then later move on to the ram.
What resolution are you gaming at?
What speed is your ram? 1333Mhz won't cut it
16 GB of ddr3 2400 is 85 on newegg cheaper on amazon or aliexpress
Have you ever gotten a better frame rate?
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I used to play with the Nvidia GTX 770 and got 120-130 consistent and stable fps, while now I hardly get to those fps and are not consistent at all. I searched for reviews and gameplays of people with my processor + my graph + my RAM and they were getting 200 stable fps and even more. I'm playing at a resolution of 1920x1080. My RAM's speed is of 1600MHz.