Question Low fps problem

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May 9, 2024
Hello i have a terrible problem about my fps. I noticed my pc is really underperforming in games since i bought it and couldnt figure it out why. All my temps are okay my gpu is max 65 degrees celcius under load, cpu about the same. But when i try to play games like CS2, Valorant etc. i get around 50-150 fps on lowest settings and it stutters like crazy sometimes. My drivers are upto date.
PC Specs:
RTX 3060 12 GB
I5 10400F
I would really appreciate some advices on this problem. Thank you!
I used to play on a 7 years old laptop and I really dont know about the PSU but it must have something like 500W-650W. It's only one years old. My motherboard is gigabyte h510m and i didnt update the bios since the time i bought it(the beginning of 2023)
That CPU might be bottle necking your GPU pretty hard, and running single channel ram at only 2666mhz is not good for gaming. I would upgrade those and see if you're still having problems, unless there is some other problem in play.
My pc is only utilising %10 to %30 max of my RTX 3060 in most of the games such as VALORANT, CS2, PUBG etc..
Valorant mostly stays at %10-%15
Same with CS2
%20 For PUBG
I am tired of getting awfully low fps and fps drops and I also know that it isnt a bottleneck issue yet I've tried everything I could find on the internet but still haven't solved the issue
MY Specs:
RTX 3060 12 GB
16 GBS RAM 2666MHZ SINGLE CHANNEL ( I dont think this causes the problem)
550W-600W POWER SUPPLY (i dont clearly remember)
Note: My temperatures are fine underload(%100 Usage)
CPU mostly around 65 Celcius Degrees
GPU mostly around 55-60 Celcius Degrees
16 GBS RAM 2666MHZ SINGLE CHANNEL ( I dont think this causes the problem)
A single stick of ram at that speed does put performance on the table.

550W-600W POWER SUPPLY (i dont clearly remember)
If you give us limited info, we can't help you much. You should tell us what you see on the stickered info on the PSU.

My motherboard is gigabyte h510m and i didnt update the bios since the time i bought it(the beginning of 2023)
Gigabyte have a number of matx form factor H510 chipsetted motherboards, which one do you have?

I've merged your threads, please stop multiple posting unless you want to create spaghetti brains for you and the community members trying to help you.

Use DDU to remove all GPU drivers from your platform in Safe Mode, then manually reinstall with the latest GPU driver from Nvidia's support site in an elevated command.
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