Low FPS with crossfire 7970s

cpu shouldnt really bottleneck, at least not with highest detail settings @ 1080p in current games. And if you have vsync on and a 60hz monitor you will be capped to 60 fps. If anything maybe the motherboard could be an issue if your running it with a 4x or 8x pcie 2 slot. Either way, even when crossfire is working properly the percievable FPS output at the monitor is not much better, and in some gases worse than a single card, due to uneven frame spacing, dropped frames, runt frames causet by crossfire.
cpu shouldnt really bottleneck, at least not with highest detail settings @ 1080p in current games. And if you have vsync on and a 60hz monitor you will be capped to 60 fps. If anything maybe the motherboard could be an issue if your running it with a 4x or 8x pcie 2 slot. Either way, even when crossfire is working properly the percievable FPS output at the monitor is not much better, and in some gases worse than a single card, due to uneven frame spacing, dropped frames, runt frames causet by crossfire.

well my mother board run them both at 8x bandwidth which shouldnt really matter from 16x but when is amd supposed to fix the bad preformance on crossfire?