Low Fps with Good PC

May 3, 2018
Hello . Few months ago i rebuild my pc and i added new components .
GPU : Geforce Gtx 1050 TI
CPU : AMD FX - 6300
RAM : 8 GB
OS : Windows 10 Pro (x64)
I think i have a good pc , but in League of legends i have 60 fps and i drops to 20 fps constantly and i have Medium settings and i dont know why .
I recently reinstalled my windows so i dont know what can be wrong .

I reinstalled the windows so i reinstalled the driver ... and the monitor is pluged to the gpu HDMI
Now i rechecked and i have 35 temperature when im doing nothing and i have 41-42 when im playing the game so i think this is good .
I think that my cooler with my gpu is doing the "bottleneck" thing , but i doesnt need to give me that 20 fps drops from 60 fps , right ?
What can I do ?

I installed the cam and now i will see the cpu usage and i will told you after.
I did the test but i dont know why when i start the CAM overlay to see the infos while im playing the app block my fps to 51 , but when i disabled it i had like 90 fps but with the risk that they wiil drop .
I played with Very High setting and the ussage of the CPU was 27-37 % and the GPU 22 - 32 %( this was a test match with bots)
Now i played a ranked match and the stats was that :
Medium setting
26-50 % CPU ( in the final i dont know why but it was 79 % )
2-15 % GPU ( the maximum was like 40 % -just 1-2 times)
CPU - 41-47 C
GPU - 40-44 C
And when fps drops my CPU is like 40 % usage and GPU 2 % usage

I did what you said .
I played with Very high settings .
I had like 75-90 fps at the start and i drops to 20-30 and by the final of the game i had like 50-65 fps drop to 10-15 fps .

Well, your build is quite mediocre and League of Legends is a cpu intensive game, that requires single-core performance more than anything, which is something your processor lacks. How is your performance in other games?


I played assasins creed black flag with medium-high settings and still have frame drops and i played CS:GO with very low settings 4:3 resolution and just hit 80-100 fps.
What games should i play for testing my pc ?

I had an fx 6300 as well and it used to hit 120-250 fps in cs go Matchmaking depending on which map I was playing on. I think your cpu is underperforming in some way or another. Try running Userbenchmark.com, it will tell you if any of your components are not performing as they should. Good luck!


The problem is that when i played League Of Legends one or two months ago , the fps was normally , like 80-120 on high settings without any dropframes