Low FPS with low GPU & CPU load


Jan 31, 2013
I'm getting pretty bad FPS when playing Garry's Mod.
My CPU is Intel Core i5 2320 and my GPU is GTX 670.
I also have 16GB of ram.
Does anyone have any ideas of what might be wrong?
Or is it the Havok engine being bottle-necked?
I tried overclocking the GPU but it didn't change anything.

The maximum with full AA?
By the way, i noticed that reflect all setting impacts my fps badly. It shouldn't really do that.

Im gunna say have you tried updating drivers, that usually fixes things. Although i have seen things on the steam forums about games that use parts of valve's engine running laggy on high end gaming pc's

No, i do not.
I turn on Vsync so that my card doesn't heat up and make loud noise.