Low performance on my New setup (gtx750ti)


Mar 13, 2017
Oke i got a new pc and it worked okey when i got it, i expected more but it was way better than the old laptop i had. But now its just getting ridiculous. My setup:
amd fx4300 4.0ghz
8gb ram
And i get some rly bad fps
For example: League of legends on medium 30fps when idling.

That is odd. I have a Geforce GT 730 that plays League on High Settings and 60FPS on my wife's computer. So any GTX series processor should be handling League flawlessly.
FIRST, make sure you are not plugged into your motherboard's video output (HDMI, VGA etc). This is an easy mistake people make after installing a GPU.

Second, make sure your GPU is fully seated and any required 6 or 8 pin connectors are fully connected to the PSU...
The gfx card is your main weak link. If you stick with the FX-4300, you can move up to the GTX 1050 Ti/1060 3GB or the RX-470 4GB depending on your budget w/o a lot of bottleneck concerns. If your motherboard is suitable for using a FX-83xx, you can up the gfx card a bit more.

That is odd. I have a Geforce GT 730 that plays League on High Settings and 60FPS on my wife's computer. So any GTX series processor should be handling League flawlessly.
FIRST, make sure you are not plugged into your motherboard's video output (HDMI, VGA etc). This is an easy mistake people make after installing a GPU.

Second, make sure your GPU is fully seated and any required 6 or 8 pin connectors are fully connected to the PSU.
After you have done that, make sure your drivers are up to date via the GeForce Experience application under the "drivers" tab. If you are already up to date, try a full reinstall of drivers.

it's not a hardware strength issue.

it's almost certainly software.
Maybe a dying PSU.