I'm going to be building a PC within the next few months and was just wondering: can a GTX 760 and an FX-8320 run games on 3 monitors? I understand that newer games would suffer great FPS loss at high-ultra settings, but what about with lower resolution monitors? Could this be done on, say, 3 17" 720p monitors? What kind of frames could I get on things like BF3 and AC4?
I'm going to be building a PC within the next few months and was just wondering: can a GTX 760 and an FX-8320 run games on 3 monitors? I understand that newer games would suffer great FPS loss at high-ultra settings, but what about with lower resolution monitors? Could this be done on, say, 3 17" 720p monitors? What kind of frames could I get on things like BF3 and AC4?