M.2 Kingston SSD not showing in bios or windows

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Oct 6, 2018
Hello everyone, I have asus rog gl552j laptop. Today i bought an m.2 ssd and i have a problem, my laptop cant recognize it . I tried something that i read on this forum but nothing seems to help can someone help me. i will post pictures from my bios.
dont know why are the pictures not showing i posted a gyazo link
Your M.2 drive is SATA 3 interface. Your M.2 drive is PCI interface. It will not work with your system. You need a SATA 3 M.2 drive, not a PCI NVME drive.

What is the model of your laptop and what is the model of the M.2 drive?

You do realize there are SATA M.2 drives and PCI M.2 drives, and they are not always both supported by the M.2 slot on a laptop or motherboard?

If you bought a PCI M.2 drive and your laptop only supports SATA M.2, it's not going to work, at all. Same goes in reverse too. Most laptop M.2 slots don't typically support both, especially early models.

Image links MUST end in an image format, so, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .gif, etc. You can only link to an external image if the link ends in one of those, or another type of supported image format. Gyazo links normally don't work here. Try hosting the image on imgur or tinypic, and then copy the bbcode link given after you upload the image.

Or, you can just follow the directions here: http://www.tomshardware.com/faq/id-2580030/detailed-instructions-posting-images-tom-hardware.html

The model of the laptop is gl 552jx thats the same name of the motherboard gl 552jx and the model of the ssd is SSD M.2 Kingston NVMe A1000 240GB PCIe 3.0 x2
And here are the pictures from my bios



Guys I found the solution after going trough the whole internet twice. The solution is to DISABLE PTT in BIOS, sometimes it's called TPM, it's basically a security option for names and it likes to turn on automatically sometimes. I have a kingston M.2 NVME KC2500 Thank me later 😀
Guys I found the solution after going trough the whole internet twice. The solution is to DISABLE PTT in BIOS, sometimes it's called TPM, it's basically a security option for names and it likes to turn on automatically sometimes. I have a kingston M.2 NVME KC2500 Thank me later 😀
1. No, that is NOT the solution. It was simply a difference in the type of M.2 drive...SATA vs NVMe.
Which you would have known if you had read the reply selected as Best ANswer.

2. Please don't dredge up ancient threads.
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