While I will agree Apples pricing is absurd, for what you are getting when it comes to upgrading them on purchase, it really is. A comparable Custom Windows PC is not that far off when you actually compare Apples to "Apples". I do hate the memory configurations and for the base models they should have 16GB Memory and a 512GB nvme, but I digress.This has been true for at least 10 years, maybe 15. Mac users are aware. And it's overpriced for the hardware you get, no secret. But most Mac buyers don't want customization, they want simplicity and aesthetics and enough performance for the job. And i can't speak for so many, but i'd be willing to bet they're ok with buying a new one every so-and-so number of years.
Mac hits the right notes for many, many users. There's no point ripping on the company because it knows who it caters to, and so do their customers.
We do not have to replace our machines every few years though, I am a Windows user and a Mac user, my Windows PC is used only for games that aren't supported on Mac, when I am able to play on Mac, I do, the Mac Studio I have plays everything just fine and smokes my Windows PC in productivity, hands down.
Apples pricing and configurations are designed around the user, they have a lot that are in college and just need to check email and web browse, excel etc, while others need some real muscle for work, and just like Windows users, they will pay whatever they need to to get what they want, remember when GPUS were 3x the cost? You all still busted out your CCs and bought one, and did it without thinking, so...as long as there is a demand, people will buy. Are Apple users sheep?, sure they are, but so are Windows gamers. They have already proven they will pay any amount for a graphics card.
But, no we don't replace our machines every 1-2-3 years, macOS is a really good OS, My previous work machine was a 2016 - 27" iMac, I replaced it in 2022