m5a78 USB3, wont boot only in Safe mode


Mar 19, 2016
Like the tittle, the first boot of the day is gonna be up like 3 minutos, then is gonna restart over and over, but now is not gonna go further the w7 black login screen (no blue welcom/loading screen)
BUT in safe its perfeclt still, i have been 2 or more hours in safe mode and it wont restart.


You Could have Damage Everywhere.. if you had a PSU blow up, I Would Replace The PSU with a new one and Start working down the list you need more Power for sure, that's what we know right now it is crazy it worked at all at 220Ws I do know if you max out a PSU they start getting weaker over time That would be the reason why it is failing right now.
Funny thing, the SSD is like "new" before that i had it installed on a hitache, so i have pluged the hitache and the same, wont boot but in safe mode
What i mean is, im using the HDD i was using before upgrading to the ssd, so as far as i now its not drivers because its another hdd and wont boot.

I opened the case and see i have another psu, so i asked my roomate if he knew something, and told me the other power supply exploded...
now i realize that the GTX 960 its not pluged in also this power supply is like really cheap, it says 220 watts or so...
Imma wait till my new psu arrives and see if there is any damage on the mother board or i dont know.

Right know im using the PC on safemode, its the only way to make it boot.
Perhaps a psu shortagge? in the new one?

I need the most expertise ppl here!!!
Thank you so much in advance.


Mike thanks, but now its no conected the gtx, only 2 ram sticks 1 hdd of 120gb fx6300 and the h60.

Nothing more.

Aditional i was stressing the voy using prime95 in ssfe mode and it shutdown like when booting normaly
remove the Video Card use the onboard GPA on the motherboard and yes 220W is a Crazy man you need more power. Plus you should be booting into bio and checking out the system and when in Safe mode go peek into Device Manager and see what has a yellow / red mark on it most likely The new hardware you added put you over the top on that PSU.

Do not go cheap on PSU. always get a good Power supply it is like the backbone of any good Computer build.
btw steve and sr_2__ its me, i logged with facebook and Google+ :)

Fosteers999.- Righ now the VGA is not conected, only 2 sticks of ram, a hdd and my h60.

Nothing more, no dvd no aditional hdd no wifi pci no no thing, and i didnt know that i had that supply until i opend the case...
Wait a min so you installed a new SSD and right after your computer would only boot into safe mode and is resetting itself over and over .. why not remove the SSD and see if you can get it stable?
No, i had been using the ssd since december, i went out a couple of days and when i came back my pc was like that.
My roommate told me that the old psu "exploded" (most like a metal cracking sound a that burnt electronic odor), then he unplugged the GTX960 and put that shittttty psu he got as a spare.

I didnt realize that happed till now, i disconected my ssd and the other hdd thinking that perhaps it got damage from the psu.
Then i used my hardrive the one i got BEFORE the ssd (my last know working config), and got that trouble, Also before disconecting the ssd i tried to boot and the first attemp would be succesfull but the pc would shutdown after like 5 minutes... its something like

Windows black logo loading screen
Windows blue welcome

Windows Black logo loading screen

3rd or else attemp to boot
Windows Black logo loading screen

If i start bashing f8 I got to safemode and use the PC.... im writing this on safemode!!! THIS IS FOR THE SSD AND THE OLD HDD WHEN BOOTING

What could be? Damage on the Mobo? damage on the CPU?

You Could have Damage Everywhere.. if you had a PSU blow up, I Would Replace The PSU with a new one and Start working down the list you need more Power for sure, that's what we know right now it is crazy it worked at all at 220Ws I do know if you max out a PSU they start getting weaker over time That would be the reason why it is failing right now.
Thanks foster, i already ordered an EVGA 500W 80% PSU its coming next week, imma stop using this pc with this mobo and until the new psu its here then i will upgrade this thread,

Thank You so much
I would get a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139042

Over another EVGA500W 500W is so low power if you ever add another Card or max that thing out again it's going bad on you, CPU use what 90W Card another 100W or so and so on .. meaning you are using half of 500W 24/7 it should work but they break Faster,
Better to get something high-end and safe but this link is a bit overkill I always overpay and buy a very good PSU When my last two had problems.

When they break it can take other Hard-Ware with it that's my two cents good luck man.