Question MAcbOOK Pro 2014 wont turn on.......


Nov 21, 2018
hi i have a macbook pro 2014. i havent been using it for a while as i was going to sell it.
it was left on my desk for a few weeks. i used it a few days before it stopped working on me it was working fine then.

my troubleshooting;
  1. tried with different changer------- no luck
  2. checked charger with another macbook same model----- worked
  3. checked the charging port (swapped with another macbook pro 2014) charging port worked fine.

so can someone guide me on what could be the problem ? how much it will cost to fix ?
in £ or euros. thanks
Electronics don't failed like that all by themselves, so something happened to it, maybe a bug shorted something.

U need a Professional to open it up and inspect it. Check out see how much they want, they don't charge you unless they fix it, but u probably will have to pay shipping.