Question Macbook Pro A1708 wont boot into any mode


Mar 6, 2018
My wife's Macbook Pro (A1708) randomly decided to 'die' whilst she was using it a while back. It still had battery life and all she was doing was some excel spreadsheet stuff.
I've spent ages trying to fix it using the various methods I can find on the internet but im yet to find one that actually works.

Upon booting, the Macbook will just get stuck halfway through a loading bar and either sit there indefinitely or come up with the 'Your Mac has restarted because of a problem'.
I have tried these methods:
  • Attempting to boot into recovery mode doesn't work and i've tried the various different ways to do so, it just gets stuck in some sort of boot loop.
  • Booting into safe mode doesn't work either.
  • Reset NVRAM
  • Reset PRAM
  • Reset SMC
  • I can't access disk utility either, and im happy to wipe the machine clean and reinstall the OS if possible.
  • I got into verbose mode but I don't have access to change anything using the 'sudo' command as 'you do not exist in passwd database'
  • Internet recovery mode goes the whole way but upon finishing it just gives me the 'Your computer has restarted because of problem'
  • I've also tried the other way of going through internet recovery (holding 'option' during boot) and it actually worked for once, but after I attempted to reinstall the OS it got stuck on a grey screen and I haven't been able to get back to this point again since.
  • Apple Support didn't have any ideas, and I want to avoid spending £££ on sending it off to repairs.
  • Verbose mode has also shown me at one point an error of 'Too many corpses generated' but I didn't have the permissions to fix it in the terminal
  • I also randomly got onto the desktop at one point and logged in, but upon getting to this point the Macbook crashed and I haven't been able to get back to this point again.

It's also worth mentioning that there was a lot of free space on the machine as pretty much every file was stored on the cloud.
Any pointers or advice would be greatly appreciated as i'm not too clued up on the macOS side of computing!
After everything you've done it sounds like you're dealing with a bad hard drive, hence, the booting at random times correctly and subsequently dying.
Yeah, I did wonder if it was something to do with the drive just because of how the recovery partition and OS is being handled at the moment. Weird how it's managed to get to the desktop once with all the info etc being there.
Is it worth just getting a new hard drive do you think?
Yeah, I did wonder if it was something to do with the drive just because of how the recovery partition and OS is being handled at the moment. Weird how it's managed to get to the desktop once with all the info etc being there.
Is it worth just getting a new hard drive do you think?
MACs are really weird about how they do things so just be 100% certain that it's FULLY compatible with it.
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