Magic Jack Problems


Jan 9, 2010
Does anyone have the telephone number and address of Magic Jack?
Have Audio cut-out problems with my Magic Jack. After chatting with their online technicans for 3 days and 8 total hours of 17 different fixes it still has missing audio ( I only hear about half of every conversation). I've tried a new computer, a new magic jack, a faster internet provider. Ive reinstalled their update twice, turned off all my anti-viruses and software firewall and modem firewall, set DNS, set processor to give magic jack more of it's time, removed the usb extention, tried all 6 USB ports, you name it, we've tried it. I am tired of rehashing my problem with their online idiots and really need to talk to them directly. The online techs say there is no way to get in touch with them. What kind of nationally advertised company has no phone number or address? Wow! after being a computer nerd for 20 years this is the biggest headache short of a crashed hard drive I've ever had.


Aug 8, 2008
I bought 2 magic jacks at the same time and installed them at 2 sites, 24 miles apart. They use the same high speed internet provider. (9.37 Mp/s down and 1.01 Mb/s up). I just plugged the device in and registered and picked some phone numbers, and it worked. It has been nearly a year now and I have made all of my long distance calls using the MagicJack. I was planning on discontinuing my landline except for the problem of having to keep a computer on to access the phone.
I do plan an alternative, but have not finalized the setup.
So. I would recommend as previously suggested. Try the MagicJack at another location.

A further note. I went to a local coffee shop which has wireless. Using my laptop and the MagicJack, I made calls from my laptop and still had no problem.