Question Main Display freeze, second and third monitor still working after 10 seconds freeze as well

May 15, 2023
Hello, I have been struggling with this issue for around 2 years now, it started once i have upgraded my PC, which consisted of adding a new GPU (NVIDIA 1660) a new CPU (AMD RYZEN 5 2600X) and new RAM, me and my friend have tried a lot of solutions, from checking Command Propt, to swapping power supplies, swapping to watercooling, changing RAM and so on, the only pars that havent been swapped where the MotherBoard, GPU and CPU and both Disk, 1 HDD and one SSD. We have both thought that it could have been the CPU temp causing the crashes and when we booted it up at his house and launched CinaBench for 5 hours the temp was fine and there was no crashes thinking we fixed it, but when i came back home today, i still received random freezes like from the past. I have no clue whats wrong anymore, could it be the Extra Monitors? Some USB cables are just bad or dusty? Or maybe its cause im not using ETHERNET like my friend? I honestly have no clue anymore. Does anyone have any solutions? Much thanks


May 15, 2023
Would using only one or two monitors fix the issue for the time being? Much thanks!