I think I'm of the same mindset as a lot of win7 users. If it's not broke, no need to fix it. Win7 was incredibly good compared to other flavors of windows. Responsive, decent interface, capable, less hassle with drivers. Not everything works as intended (like backward compatibility to run a program in legacy xp mode - which only works sort of, sometimes). They need to figure out the touch screen crud and market it as such. Leave desktops alone since most people don't use touch on a desktop. Nothing more stupid than putting fingerprints all over the screen you're trying to read, do they have a side business trying to sell more windex or what? It's pretty obvious win 8 is a turd much like vista was and the sooner we can get over it the better.
I'm sticking with win7 as long as I can because it does what I need it to do. What I hope doesn't become the norm is building windows as if everyone who uses it is a moron. They have the same features/access points strewn all over the place. I don't need a slide out button and a taskbar button and a desktop tile and a place inside the start menu to get to device manager. It's awkward at best and bloated.
Maybe they can release two flavors of windows, win for dummies and windows for people who know what they're doing. Tired of being sandboxed with idiot controls and lack of power features I have to dig for because granny keeps misplacing her virtual recipe box or some power puff girl can't figure out the fastest way to get her selfie pasted everywhere. Nothing wrong with casual non techy users, but give them an easy mode or something that looks like win 8 and give the rest of us something useful.
Hopefully networking doesn't get any further dumbed down from win7. It's bad enough. Oh well you have to have a home network to enable ics. What if you need to enable ics on a network other than homegroup? In over simplifying everything they lost fine control of things some people still need or want. Tired of 'easy one click' features that don't get the job done.