Major loss of performance over a year (new pc)


Jun 29, 2017
So I've been using my pc for almost a year now which consists of:

-GTX 970
-I5 6400
-8 Gigs of ram running at 2133 mhz single channel
-128 Gig SSD
-1TB Harddrive.

Though my pc is a prebuild Acer G3-710 so a lot of parts like the mobo and powersupply and even ram doesn't have a brand of some sort. I suggest that you search for the pc to see inside yourself.

At first, my CPU temperatures has gone up. I remember that my cpu's temps was at 60c at full load and now it's at 66 on average. I'm using the stock intel cooler that the i5 comes with.

About the gpu, I didn't use any program such as MSI Afterburner because I thought that a pc designed for a "plug and play" purpose doesn't need to be checked for everything like fanspeeds, power usage, temperature etc. At msi's "auto" fanspeed configuration my gpu is running at 86c at full load. That's pretty high compared to other GPUs. But if I crank the fan speeds all the way up, the GPU's temps go down to 80c which is still pretty high.

As for the performance, a game like CS:GO ran at ~300 fps and now it barely reaches 180.

Grand Theft Auto 5 also loss a couple of frames and began to stutter heavily pretty often. Before I could turn up the MSAA at 4x and crank the graphics all the way up and get around 56-68 fps. But now with everything on very high instead of max settings and no MSAA, I can't even reach 60 fps. And then there's stuttering. The pc is stuttering in almost every single game I throw at it. In Grand Theft Auto 5 there are texture bugs which makes buildings and roads disappear. That texture bug wasn't there when I bought the pc. But the way to fix the texture bugs is to set the cpu to high priority. I didn't need to do that when I bought the pc.

The desktop icons is now reacting very slowly. By that I mean that when I hover the cursor over the icons, it takes some time for the pc to react.

The SSDs load times also jumped by a couple seconds.

Note that every part comes from an unknown manufacturer as far as I understand.
I do regret buying this pc and wished that I've build one instead. I didn't know that buying a prebuild would cause more problems than building a pc yourself. But know that I'm stuck with this pc, I thought if you guys could help me out a little? I must admit that I've maybe installed malicious files and pirated games which I shouldn't have done. (I've uninstalled the pirated games if you're wondering. I from now on fully support developers by not pirating.)
If you believe that it may be a virus issue, then I would run a free virus detector like avast, AVG, or malwarebytes. if this isn't the case and none of this solves it, you should probably try to dust the computer completely. Dust getting on the hardware can slow it down and make things stutter. On top of this, you should also consider putting some new thermal past on the processor just to be safe.
The thing is that reinstalling the OS often takes less time than troubleshooting lmao. The more important thing to have on the USB would be the motherboard, wifi adapter, and chipset drivers, but if you have a 2nd hard drive for storage you can just put them there.

Where's that located? I'm not that good with pcs 😛


How do I reinstall the operating system? Any guides on the internet?

Just search "resource monitor" and open it in the search bar, there are tabs for monitoring the CPU and disk there. In the CPU tab, click on "CPU" to sort the column by cpu usage so you can see where your processing power is going.

The memory usage is at ~33% and the disk usage is around 0% if I closed all applications.

So this is what it looks like:
Sometimes it actually can be as low as 20% and other times it's able to spike up to 100% and slowly go down to ~30%.

I considered to dust off my components, but I don't have the tools to do so. What do you need and where can I get the tools from? I also considered reinstalling the os and starting over, but I've got a ton of games that weight a lot and my internet speed barely reaches 1,5 mbps 🙁