[SOLVED] Major Ping Spikes

Jan 21, 2022
My computer has been having problems with ping spikes in certain games. A couple of months ago I had 0 issues with ping and all of a sudden I've started to deal with constant ping spikes during my play. My ping will be around 4ms, but spike to 30-70 and sometimes even 150ms and then come back down to 4-5ms. This occurs every 30 seconds or so and it is making gaming very unplayable. I tried upgrading my internet, replacing my modem, upgrading my PC's network adapter, thorough scan on Malwarebytes but nothing seems to do the trick. I also make sure to keep my drivers up to date.

Asus Rog Strix 2060
Ryzen 5 3600x
Asus Rog b-450
Windows 10
Nope speedtest is a file transfer. It doesn't care much about latency/ping time. If you were getting a lot of packet loss then it might slow it down because it has to retransmit the data. Pretty much only games care about the latency being consistent.
This is why you see everyone say you should not play online games on any form of wireless. The way wifi functions and the way online games use the latency to sync the client and the server are fundamentally opposed. Wifi only works for games if the signal is almost perfect with no interference.
Since you posted this on wireless I assume you are using wifi to connect your computer. Have you tried this with a ethernet cable.

Could be as simple as your neighbor got new wifi equipment and is now interfering more with you. There really is no good fix for wifi interference other than not using wifi for things like games that are severely affected by this problem unlike almost any other application.
Can you take the machine down and test with a ethernet cable.

This is purely to determine if it is the wifi or it is something else. It can be many things that cause this but you don't want to spend huge effort for example reinstall your games or defragging a hard drive when it is the wifi causing it.
Nope speedtest is a file transfer. It doesn't care much about latency/ping time. If you were getting a lot of packet loss then it might slow it down because it has to retransmit the data. Pretty much only games care about the latency being consistent.
This is why you see everyone say you should not play online games on any form of wireless. The way wifi functions and the way online games use the latency to sync the client and the server are fundamentally opposed. Wifi only works for games if the signal is almost perfect with no interference.
So I've come to find out that my brother who is also using a WIFI connection in the other room is experiencing no issues when it comes to internet playing the same game. Is there something I should try?