Make usb pen/flash drive appear as a dvd to Win 7


Mar 17, 2012
Hello, I'd like to make a usb flash drive appear as a DVD drive so that I can use it to create Win 7 recovery 'disk'.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks Niko, but perhaps I didn't frame my question correctly or clearly enough.

I'd like my USB flash drive to simulate a DVD drive. Ie when it's connected Win 7 should recognise it as a DVD drive. This is particularly for the purposes of creating a Emergency Repair Disk. - I am asked to create a repair disk when wanting to restore the computer from an Image file (one previously created from within Win7).

youll need diskpart.. it comes in windows....
run CMD
type DISKPART.exe
And follow these
select disk # (find the drive of your usb)
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=ntfs

Then, drag everything over from your disk image over to the Disk drive, this makes the usb drive bootable too, so you can run a linux disk or something from it too :)

Thanks Hawkeye, but I don't want to boot from a USB stick. I just wanted to make it 'look like' a DVD drive to the os (Win7 in this case). And as you've said, you don't think it's possible to make a memory stick look like a DVD drive, which is a shame as it will mean having to get hold of an external drive just so I can restore the HDD image to my Netbook (the os needs the drive to create a recovery DVD).

What you want is possible this way:
I used dd.exe (from to find & copy the hidden recovery partition:
CMD> dd --list <shows the device & partition information>
CMD> dd bs=1M if=<partition name> of=Recovery.img

I then mounted the partition image as a drive using OSFMount from OSForensics, but there are plenty of other tools.
The stick drive can be prepared using DiskPart(plenty of pages on how) & the image contents copied over. This creates a full, bootable recovery from the stick drive. But you do need a 16GB drive.
Quick Update:
Using DiskPart, says the stick should be formatted as fat32, otherwise you need to use bootsect.exe, which can be hard to find without Win7 Install disk.
Thanks GryphonB, you have answered my question by thinking outside the box. This method clearly gets around the need to have the memory stick 'look like' a DVD drive.