Malay daily's tsunami cartoon causes outrage

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Well I wouldn't feel guilty just because some idiot puts a tasteless picture in your local paper.

With syndication and contracted comic writers, artists and journalists who contribute likely to be anywhere on the planet.

The Editor is the person who signs off ultimately ... he or she is the one with the poor taste ...

I wouldn't cast the Malay people as being particularly tasteless ... that title belongs to the Aussies ... and we will fight for it !!

I remember when Steve Irwin was killed by that stingray a while back ... the jokes about Steve rolled in pretty quickly.

I think he would have thought them funny.

In the case of a catastrophe like this tsunami I can't find anything funny personally ... though the idea of the old guy being swept out to sea and rescued being Mr Migayi ... well I giggled at that thought.

All those people homeless ... well that aint funny ... particularly the kids.

If any nation can respond swiftly though it is the Japanese ... they are masters of calm and efficiency.

heh heh.
I agree, a very tasteless cartoon to say the least. I also saw that various US comedians have been making jokes about the incident, but like most others, now isn't the time for jokes. People are dying and many have been killed because of the quake/tsunami.
Can you imagine the reaction to a supposedly funny cartoon by an American right after 9/11? Not very well recieved here to say the least. Same with Katrina IMH,
It depends on the culture to an extent but humour is used by many to handle otherwise difficult situations. Kind of like how people make jokes about themselves or where they are from to express difficult truths.
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