Anyone know where we can go to complain about removed features present in BF2? Don't get me wrong, I'm LOVING BF3 so far but some key elements were obviously removed to accomodate consoles which are over-simplifying the game. It's a step backward from the gameplay of BF2.
There are huge problems in key gameplay elements that make Battlefield superior. For example, the removal of commanders. I enjoyed playing that role regularly, and successful battlefield play has always been about teamwork. Now with no commander, squads have to independently decide what to do. They also no longer have a full map view, so they can't even use that to coordinate their efforts, or hit a different flag from other squads. Add to that the removal of team voice chat (WTF is that??even WoW has in-game voice!!), and we've got a game with horribly lacking teamwork methods compared to BF2.
Plus now we can't alert others of a known target location without actually having it visible on your screen, which makes you a target. Assuming it even works. Plus why can't we zoom out the minimap? Big maps are common in this game and it's not showing enough area around you in my opinion.
All this being said, it's a stunning game visually, the destructible environments are amazing, and I love being able to spawn on any squad member (though this also changes the importance of a squad leader, making all squad members a little more reckless sometimes).