Question Massive FPS drops/stuttering on new gaming PC with RTX 3070 & i5 13600kf

Oct 14, 2023
Recently i upgraded my pc with:
RTX 3070
2x16gb DDR5 RAM 5600mhz
Corsair RM650x 650W (at leasat 5 years old)

The PC overall performs well, but when i for an example turn on a stream on twitch while playing CS2 everything almost freezes, the game, twitch and almost the whole computer. I can play but i experience a crazy amount of fps drops. And that did not even happen with my last setup with 1060, 16 gb ram, i7-7700k. But when not watching stream or anything it mostly runs perfectly smooth.

In task manager everything looks good, temperature looks good on all components, usage is normal. Graphics driver is up to date, windows as well.

Is this a PSU problem?

This is what is looks like while ingame and watching stream on the other monitor:



Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Corsair RM650x 650W (at leasat 5 years old)
You might want to try and source(borrow, not buy) a reliably built PSU with at least 750W of power at the entire system's disposal and see if the issue crops up.

And that did not even happen with my last setup with 1060, 16 gb ram, i7-7700k.
What were you working with prior to the RTX3070? A GTX1060? So you performed a motherboard swap? If so, did you reinstall the OS after the platform migration?
Oct 14, 2023
Ok I will try another PSU and if it doesn't help ill just return it.

Yes a GTX 1060, and yes a motherboard swap because my old motherboard couldnt handle 13 gen processor, no i did not reinstall the OS, do i have to?