Question Massive FPS spikes ?

Massive FPS spikes, please help.

My sons computer is as follows:
R5 7600
RX 6700XT
32Gb DDR5
650W Asus PSU

He's playing fortnite, and never had problems until yesterday. Suddenly every 30 seconds or so, he's dropping to 5fps, totally unplayable. It'll drop to these low FPS for 10 secs, then go back to playable 200 FPS or so, then 30 seconds later, it'll take another dump. It was fine until yesterday.

I have checked temps, both are under 60c when the FPS dump happens. CPU and GPU utilization both sit in the mid 90s while gaming.

Drivers are up to date. Win 11 up to date.

Any troubleshooting ideas?


Are you checking clock speeds as well when looking at temps? You know, drop in speed then temps look ok then clocks start to ramp up then hits thermal issues again, repeat.

Check clocks and temps with both cpu and gpu.

Also check background running processes in task manager. And startup items.

What psu model is the Asus?

What cpu cooler is in use?
Clocks and temps stay constant, no change when the dips happen.

Asus TUF 650W
Peerless Assassin CPU cooler.

I may have found the issue. He had only 100Gb free on his 1Tb SSD. I deleted a different game and he's playing now. No FPS hits yet, it might have been that. I'll update if the problem shows up again.


Hmm ok, it is recommended to leave 10~15% free for ssd to perform trim properly and maintain performance but 100GB seems excessive. Have you limited pagefile size to something like 1gb initial and 2gb max?. That'll stop Windows or games creating large pagefile overtime.