Max Core Temp For Phenom 9500? Folding@Home.


Dec 22, 2007
Set up my old crap box for Folding@Home when its not being used to host dedicated servers for friends. It was built in 2007. Phenom 9500 2.2Ghz.

Folding@Home is pretty harsh on the old girl, wondering if these temperatures are safe? Core Temp reports tj Max of 115'C but I don't know if that is really accurate or not as far as if I'm damaging the ancient CPU or not. Beyond that I don't really care if it explodes one day, its more than done its job over its lifetime 😛

Its just your generic amd cpu cooler at stock clock, nothing fancy in this junker.

Ehh CRT monitor, dat resolution.
So the max operating temp on that chip is 70deg C, some older AMD chips could hit like 90. That said at 115 it should have either throttled to a crawl or crashed, so I have a feeling that program is not giving you the correct information. Install AMD Overdrive on the computer and monitor thermal limit, "0" is 70, and whatever number negative is how far below you are.

If somehow this chip is running above 70 degrees it is not long for this world.
So the max operating temp on that chip is 70deg C, some older AMD chips could hit like 90. That said at 115 it should have either throttled to a crawl or crashed, so I have a feeling that program is not giving you the correct information. Install AMD Overdrive on the computer and monitor thermal limit, "0" is 70, and whatever number negative is how far below you are.

If somehow this chip is running above 70 degrees it is not long for this world.