Maximum supported PSU wattage


Jan 14, 2015

I have an intel core i3 540 @3.07 Ghz 1st gen processor with DH55TC motherboard.
what is the maximum compatible PSU (wattage) for my PC?

Can low wattage PSU cause micro stuttering in games?
Any consumer power supply would be fine no matter the wattage the power supply will only provide the computer with the power it requires regardless of what wattage the power supply is rated for. However their is not much of a point to spend extra money on a large power supply if you dont need it.
I believe the biggest made is 1500w, will your computer use all that... no, is it totally overkill...yes. I would look in the 500-550W range, your 750 Ti recommends a 20A 400w PSU, going with a 500-550W will keep your PSU in the 75-80% usage range where PSU are happy.

Absolutely 1000+W too....but there's absolutely no need in a PSU that large (simply for the cost) in your rig.

A PSU will pull only what it needs. If your rig needs 200W and your PSU is 80% efficient, it'll pull 250W from the wall.....doesn't matter if it's a 500W, 1000W or 1500W PSU, it's only going to pull what it needs to power your rig.

Yes your pc would support a 5000watt power supply if they made one for consumer pc's. Like I said your pc will only use what it needs the max rated wattage does not matter if you have enough to power the system.

Faalin is correct. 1500 watts is the max you can get from the outlet without switching to 240 volts from the socket.
I always add on 100 or 200 watts to the minimum I need. It puts less strain on the PSU and gives you some room for upgrades.