May Have burnt out my GTX 770 4GB? Looking for solutions


Nov 22, 2014
Last night after a good 5-6 hours of Dragon Age: Inquisition my machine decided to suddenly shut off completely. The fans on the GPU had been running high but I was not monitoring it with afterburner, and I may not have heard how high they were running because of headphones. When I went to reboot, the fans on the GPU spun wildly and nothing turned on besides a few lights on the MOBO. I turned off and unplugged everything for the evening, and then this afternoon tried to turn it back on only to the same results. I reseated the card in a different PCI-E slot and now everything turns on as if it's running normally, but I'm not getting any video. I am hoping that I didn't just totally kill the card, so if there are any other things I can try to get them working I am all ears. Cheers


i7 4790k 4.0ghz
MSI Z97 Gaming 5 mobo
Corsair CX750M 750w PSU
16 GB DDR3 1866 SDRAM
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 770 4GB

Well I tried doing this by taking out the CMOS battery on my MOBO and then reseating it after 5 minutes, now I can't even get it to power on

edit: had actually jusy unplugged the psu from the mobo by accident, trying again

attach a buzzer on your mobo... the beep codes wil help to figure out what is busted