Dude that store was the worse place I ever been. Way too shady people, never going back there again. Not even for blank CD's!
Good stores for me right now in Montreal are <A HREF="http://www.microbytes.com" target="_new">MicroBytes</A>, the one at Pointe-Claire (the others have to order stuff sometimes and I don't like waiting, if I'm lazy then just send them e-mail asking if they got what I need)
and the other is <A HREF="http://www.ordicentre.com" target="_new">OrdiCentre</A> at 4835 Jean-Talon East (the guys are real nice there and don't try talking to customers like the customer knows nothing and they know everything).
There are others, but only buy from them when their prices are below my regular store's prices.
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