Megaupload Successor Shut Down Before Debut

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Honestly, when I was first reading about Kim's legal "issues", I thought "well, that's the law for you, too bad megaupload closed down"

As time goes on, and maybe it's because everybody loves the underdog, but I'm beginning to hope that he can make this work. I don't intend to use the service and I'll buy media when possible (there are some shows/games that are unavailable or simply to inflatedly priced to be bought. I don't much care to pay 300 dollars for a rare copy of some old NES game when the ROM is readily available, and admittedly I will download higher quality versions of shows I already get on Cable/Netflix) but I hope he can knock these goons down a peg. I'm no anarchist, but these laws are becoming a very constraining collar.
Yes, because of big content, I can listen to awesome Katy Perry and Pink songs, now featuring olden style 1990s gay house music in the background instead of guitars... Revolutionary.

Whereas old Kim Dotcom(if that's her real name), is only an internet legend providing an awesome free service paid for by advertising, and without feeling the need to act as Big Brother from the classic distopian novel "1984", by George Orwell...
Now the US will probably bully any country with a more liberal approach in this matter.
Im not from the US, but I dont hate on US like many other fools do, like it was revolutionary.

HOWEVER, we all should recognize that this legal thing is dirty. Politics and courts will push against any smaller country that doesnt comply with US standards, because lets face it, probably politics have benefactors from films/records giants, and according to history, the US is kind of a bully when it comes to this order of things.

Apperently you guys miss the point on why megaupload was so great. It's not because you could upload illegal files to it. It's because it was a great sharing platform for buisness aswell. I know several people that were using it to share buisness related files and content to their customers. Now it's gone and they have to use more expensive services with far less capacity and bandwith.
[citation][nom]underground_musician_d00d[/nom]Kim Dotcom(if that's her real name)[/citation]
Kim is a man...
[citation][nom]idono[/nom]Apperently you guys miss the point on why megaupload was so great. It's not because you could upload illegal files to it. It's because it was a great sharing platform for buisness aswell. I know several people that were using it to share buisness related files and content to their customers. Now it's gone and they have to use more expensive services with far less capacity and bandwith.[/citation]

If you were using megaupload for business related things you are an idiot. There are far better business related file sharing services. Heck dropbox beats out megaupload by far.
I think Kim Dotcom needs to realize that the only reason why he is not in the hands of the US Authorities is because US/NZ Authorities screwed up the legal process. This would be because the US is operating in a Commonwealth West Minster Court System which is different at certain levels and NZ is not used to dealing with Copyright matters. He has not escaped because he is some legal genius / criminal mastermind who is above the law. He may yet end up in the hands of the US and gloating and boasting in the media will only make that more likely. Our Courts do not like looking like fools.
[citation][nom]Wamphryi[/nom]I think Kim Dotcom needs to realize that the only reason why he is not in the hands of the US Authorities is because US/NZ Authorities screwed up the legal process. This would be because the US is operating in a Commonwealth West Minster Court System which is different at certain levels and NZ is not used to dealing with Copyright matters. He has not escaped because he is some legal genius / criminal mastermind who is above the law. He may yet end up in the hands of the US and gloating and boasting in the media will only make that more likely. Our Courts do not like looking like fools.[/citation]

What they like is irrelevant (or more realistically, isn't but should be irrelevant). They are fools (or at last they act like it) and they have no right to expect people to see them as otherwise until they get their act together.
Yes, Africa will have no part of something criminal like copyright infringement. Child slavery, REAL naval piracy, and bloody coups, sure. But not copyright infringement.

Here's a free translation: "We like the money the US sends us to pretend we follow their human rights rules. We can't afford to lose that so we won't openly help you. Of course wherever you do decide to set up, send us the link because our people sure can't afford to buy Western goods."
[citation][nom]blazorthon[/nom]What they like is irrelevant (or more realistically, isn't but should be irrelevant). They are fools (or at last they act like it) and they have no right to expect people to see them as otherwise until they get their act together.[/citation]

I'm sorry I am not sure if you are making a distinction between the NZ Police and The FBI and the NZ Courts who are entirely different bodies. What exactly have the Courts done that have made them fools? It wasn't the Courts who made a mess of the search warrants. It wasn't the Courts who illegally spied on Dotcom.

The Courts could look like fools if they look they are supporting an individual who taunts Governments in the media but so far as far as I can see the Courts haven't done anything wrong. So what did the Courts do again exactly?
[citation][nom]Wamphryi[/nom]I'm sorry I am not sure if you are making a distinction between the NZ Police and The FBI and the NZ Courts who are entirely different bodies. What exactly have the Courts done that have made them fools? It wasn't the Courts who made a mess of the search warrants. It wasn't the Courts who illegally spied on Dotcom. The Courts could look like fools if they look they are supporting an individual who taunts Governments in the media but so far as far as I can see the Courts haven't done anything wrong. So what did the Courts do again exactly?[/citation]

Anyone in a position of power in this situation who isn't solving this mess is acting like fools. Not a shred of evidence of Megaupload actually being an illegally run site has been proven, yet the whole site was shut down and Kim Dotcom and others are wanted to be sent to prisons and such.

Governments that want to overstep their boundaries have no right to expect to not be taunted and such for their BS actions.

As for courts, I was mostly referring to USA courts, but maybe I misunderstood what you were saying. Regardless, point is that the whole situation is BS, at least until something more conclusive comes of it and that has yet to happen. If anything, it looks like the USA and its authorities trying to be the hired hands for big USA companies to bully others.

Why is the FBI involved in what at worst should by a civil lawsuit? Why was the site shut down like this when again, it was a matter of copyright infringement (if even actually through the fault of the site's owners), not some sort of major crime? Why are these people wanted to be extradited to the USA over such a thing when that'd be in violation of their rights? This whole mess stinks of corporate trash.
I know people are going to downvote this. But whatever. I hope that the government gets kim dotcom. He is an uncreative bastard that got lucky with megaupload. He got caught in a huge scam, and doesnt want to give up the easiest money he has ever made.

PS: Toms, how have you still not fixed the login issue where it clears out your comment when you are asked to log in?
[citation][nom]therabiddeer[/nom]I know people are going to downvote this. But whatever. I hope that the government gets kim dotcom. He is an uncreative bastard that got lucky with megaupload. He got caught in a huge scam, and doesnt want to give up the easiest money he has ever made.PS: Toms, how have you still not fixed the login issue where it clears out your comment when you are asked to log in?[/citation]

Problem is he's not caught in anything and there's no proof, so he's being worked with as guilt until proven innocent (which is supposed to be against USA law). Make your opinions as you want, but the facts don't support your opinion, at least not legally, which is what matters for legal processes.
Because his name is Kim Dotcom, not Kim Dotga, so his site should be named, not Thats why...
What do you mean there's no proof? Hundreds of thousands of users can attest to the illegal fire sharing Megaupload was famous for. Now I'll have to ask you if any jury will find it reasonable that the execs at Megaupload didn't know about this illegal file sharing?

Furthermore, the entire business structure of Megaupload was based upon illegal sharing. Users only needed to pay if they wanted to download a lot. Now what type of legal files uploaded from random unknown users, would get that much attention and attract people to pay for bandwidth? Files found only on Megaupload, not on the free photograph sites or Facebook?

Any intelligent unbiased person would have to conclude that the business structure was based upon illegal file sharing, the business model would not work otherwise. As for corporations using megaupload, give me a break, why would you want confidential files or private information to be "shared" and available to anyone who gets their hands on the link? No way, that's a lawsuit and liability waiting to be filed. If you have unimportant documents, then there's Google Docs.

Speaking of Google Docs, there's a legitimate site that doesn't depend upon illegal file sharing. Notice how it's free, why would anyone bother with Megaupload unless it offered illegal files? Again, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out and a jury will convict.
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