Memory Cache/Optimization of high end parts


Oct 27, 2017
Here is my rig set up :

I am not computer illiterate, but I am not an IT genius either. I am looking for the best way and ideas to optimize this system. I just completed this build after splurging on some seasonal deals. I had to clone the Kingston SSD drive to the M.2 since I upgraded to Windows 10 for free (I don't think you can load Windows 7 onto the M.2) . None the less I left about 7 GB of unpartitioned space on the M.2 and the Kingston is completely wiped (110 GB free space).

I am looking for the best way to boost/maximize gaming perfomance using these parts without adding additional RAM etc.

I have not done any overclocking yet, I want to make sure everything is running smoothly before I go that route. (Only been running 1 week)

I am not too familiar with setting up memory caches but the system that was in this prior to upgrading was 8GB RAM.

Thank You in advance!
Just an FYI, you can clean install Windows 10* on the SSD, which would give you a 'cleaner' image - especially if it came from a drive configured on another system. Potential for driver conflicts etc, which can be a headache to diagnose.

A clean install would help boost/maximize performance and boot times.

Ensure you have XMP enabled in the BIOS to make sure your RAM is running at (or near) the 3000MHz speed.


Thanks for the advice, I will look into finding a Win 10 ISO file. So far i have ran fine booting with the M.2, but you never know when the problem will pop up.

I am XMP enabled in the bios

Also Ram is set to 3000, will check to confirm that is where it is running