Memory could not be written???


May 8, 2016
Im getting a lot of errors with my pc, i cant use my search bar, task manager and almost any program. I keep getting the memory could not be written error. Also i get other errors. Please help, sorry for bad eng

The problem is that i cannot move any files and i need to save come of them. Im bloqued from everything except from my antivirus and some basic functions

What do i do in safe mode though


Attempt to see if you still get the errors. It really sounds like your hard drive is failing, which safe mode likely won't fix.

Attempt to see if you still get the errors. It really sounds like your hard drive is failing, which safe mode likely won't fix.

Ok it didnt work, but dont understand how to make a clean install, i mean half my computer is corrupted and i cant access any files


Do you have a windows install disc? If not, create a bootable media USB and purchase a new hard drive. Whatever you had on this PC is probably not recoverable unless you want to take it to a professional service.

Ok, i made the clean install, but i didnt buy a new hard drive, everything was working perfectly but now im getting a blackscreen after a put my password, is it still the harddrive?