Memory/ memory slot problems. errors on memtest


Mar 10, 2015
Hi, Thank you in advance for any and all help

System specs
-I5 4690k
-GA-Z97X gaming 5 gigabyte motheroard
-Rosewill Capstone 750W psu
-8gb (2x4) pc12800 (1600) ddr3 dual channel ram


Yesterday, I received the I5, motherboard, and RAM in the mail to upgrade my computer. I have everything put together and updated, drivers and windows both. I decided to play counter strike global offensive, but my game kept crashing, and the same happened in smite. They were just random crashes with no warning or error message. I made sure everything was properly seated to no help.

I decided to run a memtest (the app, not the iso) and i had 55 errors in the first few minutes of running it. I switched the ram slots from 1 and 2, to 3 and 4, with the same result of a lot of errors. I then tested each stick separately, and it started giving me the BSOD. The first one was memory management, but it also gave me a couple of different ones, all of them different. Today, i went to best buy and picked up some new ram, thinking the ram was bad. I ran the memtest app again, with the same results, 80ish errors.

I am currently running the memtest86 iso on the best buy ram, and it has made 1 pass without any errors. I really am not sure what too think. I am going to continue to let it run, but i just wanted to get some expert opinions.

again, thank you


Mar 10, 2015

I ran the memtest86 iso on the best buy ram in slots 1 & 3 FROM the right (and on the right side of the cpu) and didn't get any errors in 2 passes. I put them in slot 1 by themselves, and they both instantly came back with errors. I think ive narrowed it down to the two right slots on my board being bad slots 1&3, because i have yet to find any errors on the left two slots with multiple sticks of ram. Is it normal for it to not have any errors running memtest86 from two slots if one of the slots is bad?