
Dec 31, 2007
Anyone help me with this one. I've just bought an 128Mb of the 100Mhz RAM. I already had 64MB of 100Mhz RAM. But when I try and put both in at the same time, my machine refuses to boot, giving me the old blue screen that mutters something about checking the registry. It then tells me that old setting have been restored successfully, and that I have to restart the computer. On doing this, I get the same blue screen and the same messages that I can never get by......

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is here? When I only have one of the DIMM's in, everything works fine. But with both in, things go weird. I've got the 128Mb in just now, so its not the new memory. Could be some sort of compatability problem, but I thought I'd ask here and see if anyone can come up with anything.

Any help is gratefully recieved.....

My machine is a K6-2 400, FIC 503+ M/b, Windows 98



Are you using a 64 mb module with a 128mb module? I'm not 100% sure, but i dont think you can use a 64 and a 128mb module with each other. I think you have to have the same sized memory in order for them to work together, would somebody shed some light on this... cause i have 2 32 mb modules of ram and i wanted to used them with a 128..

there, me done Mech warrior


9 times out of 10 a blue screen of death with a BRAND new memory means bad memory, ESP. UPON BOOT. Yes you can mix 64 and 128 meg DIMMS- there's no restriction. you could mix a 32 and 256 if you wanted to. It really depends on what the mobo will take in size, not how you mix it. Go get the stuff tested, I'd bet my house that it's bad. Sorry dude.

-MP Jesse


Dec 31, 2007
MP Jesse, I would tend to agree with you, but I have the new memory in my machine just now, and I'm not having any problems. Like I said, it may just be the two are incompatible or something....


I don't know anything about that motherboard or the slots you're using for the RAM.

Is it possible that the two memory slots are configured differently in the BIOS (I guess this could be true if you always use the same slot when you run with only one module installed, i.e., slot 1)?



Dec 31, 2007
I hate to bring this possiblity up, but are you actually positive that the two Dimms are both PC100? Could your older Dimm by 66? If so, and you are trying to run both Dimms at 100, then you could be OCing the cheaper Dimm past its prime. When you run them seperate, the mobo might grab the correct specs. Compare the specs that each Dimm is running at seperately, and then compare them to the specs that the mobo runs the at when both are in the system. If there is any difference between the three, take the specs for the older 64mb dimm and try running them both at those specs, or if that don't work, try running them at the specs for the 128mb dimm. If all else fails, i would say that the two dimms are just incompatable. BTW, what are the specs on the two dimms <ie, P/N, CAS rating, and NS rating?>


Have you tried the each of the dimms in a different slot as sometimes you can get dust in the dimm slots.


It doesn't matter what PC the momory is. The DIMMs will only run at your slowest PC for example many people people run PC133 with PC100 PC 100 with PC66. What I want to know is if I can run PC133 with PC66.


Supposedly it shouldn't matter what combination you have your SDRAM in, but sometimes they don't work together. What brand are your two DIMMS?