MemTest86 turning off monitor locked me out?

Why would you turn off the monitor during Memtest? The information shown is often critical for you to understand if you have errors. Try and press the reset button on your system and see if you can get back into BIOS. On another note, mind sharing your specs like so:

Was there any need for running memtest86? Did you encounter BSOD's when computing?
I just thought I could turn the monitor back on and see it at the end. Rip. The test takes like 2 hours so I can’t do it till tomorrow now.

I was running it because ever since upgrading/replacing my old ram but chrome is running very slow and freezing, my wildlands sound is cutting out every 3 seconds for one second and my discord is acting hella slow.

Weird tho cause when I did some windows updates and restarted it was normal for like 10 mins till it reverted back to that