Hello Helpful People of Tom's Hardware,
I am looking at two mesh wifi systems and wanted other people's opinions about them. Google Wifi vs Linksys Velop Ac4600. I know the Google wifi is only a 3 node dual-band wireless ac system. The Google Wifi is only SU-Mimo and wave 2 ac wifi standard. The Linksys Velop Ac4600 from what i understand comes with one tri-band wireless ac node and two dual-band wireless ac nodes. The Linksys Velop Ac4600 is MU-Mimo and wave 2 ac wifi standard. Other then that i cannot tell what else is different. So does anyone have any opinions on which one is better and which one i should be leaning towards?
1 - https://store.google.com/product/google_wifi_first_gen
2 - https://www.linksys.com/us/p/P-VLP0203/
Thanks for all the help
I am looking at two mesh wifi systems and wanted other people's opinions about them. Google Wifi vs Linksys Velop Ac4600. I know the Google wifi is only a 3 node dual-band wireless ac system. The Google Wifi is only SU-Mimo and wave 2 ac wifi standard. The Linksys Velop Ac4600 from what i understand comes with one tri-band wireless ac node and two dual-band wireless ac nodes. The Linksys Velop Ac4600 is MU-Mimo and wave 2 ac wifi standard. Other then that i cannot tell what else is different. So does anyone have any opinions on which one is better and which one i should be leaning towards?
1 - https://store.google.com/product/google_wifi_first_gen
2 - https://www.linksys.com/us/p/P-VLP0203/
Thanks for all the help