Question metro exodus lag


Mar 13, 2015
when im inside i get 60 to 80 fps but when i go to outside spots my fps tanks to about 40 to 50 i have a fx 8350 at 4.8 with 16gb of ram and a rx 570 4gb
A room/cavern interior isn't going to be as graphically demanding as an open world zone.
Clumps of grass, flowers, rocks, trees, view distance, and other little details, are going to add to the workload. Areas that are more densely populated with these are going to be even worse.
Your situation sounds normal... unless something else changed recently?
Since your fps doesn't change whether on low or high settings, then you are likely cpu limited.
You're gonna have to move off the FX platform if you want things to get any better.
Have you checked task manager while running the game? You may have other programs in the background bogging the cpu down.