micro ATX dimensions


Feb 1, 2017
I know that the normal dimensions of a microATX motherboard is 9.6x9.6 inches.
However i've come across many motherboards that have different dimensions other than that like 8.9x6.9 but still claim to be micro atx (like asus h61m-k) So can somebody explain this to me?
And i want to replace a generic motherboard in my prebuilt hp desktop that is 9.6x9.6 inches with the motherboard i mentioned above, and my question is will it fit? And will i be able to screw it to the case?
The maximum size of a microATX motherboard is 9.6 × 9.6 in (244 × 244 mm). The standard ATX size is 25% longer, at 12 × 9.6 in (305 × 244 mm).

Notice that is maximum size, some are smaller but use the same fastener pattern.