Micro SD card cannot be formatted, content could be accessed, but can't delete


Oct 21, 2011
Hi All,

I have this Lexar 633x 128GB MicroSD card

The memory card is accessible in file explorer in windows. But cannot delete file or format the drive.

I have done all the procedures mentioned under this thread.


1. Moving the lock switch (hehe)
2. Diskpart attribute clearing
3. Regedit (there was no key so i made one)
3. HP format tool (no access)
4. SD formatter (no access)
5. Low Level Format Tool (shows that formatting was done, but when I pun the card back in all files are intact).
And the solution which is using transcend RecoveRx tool, but failed to work.

Is it time to RMA?
It really seems like the card is done for. If you are worried for you personal info, you could get in touch with the manufacturer's customer support and see what are your options: e.g. returned it physically destroyed (this is not a joke), or ask for a some sort of a non-disclosure agreement about your personal info.

Good luck!
Hey there, nuidbu.

I'd suggest that you give another go with everything you've already tried, but connect the SD card with a different device, just to see if the same thing happens. If it does and if the manufacturer's formatting tool can't fix things up (if there is such a tool available) and if the manufacturer's customer support can't help with the problem, then I'd say it's RMA time.

Hope that helps.

I tried different USB readers, sd adapters so on and so forth and none works.

Also one thing worries me is the RMA.
As the data is still all readable on the card, there is no way I could destroy it.
I am worried about the data been leaked out, seriously.


well if its that important of data you cant risking get out your stuck to just buy a new card and physically destroy your current one with a hammer or something. of course your out any refund or such from lexar.

are you sure you don't have the write protection switch on the adapter in the protected spot right?

I am 100% sure no lock switch is on.

I tried it in a

SD card adapter
USB reader
OTG on the phone
Other tablets

None can format the card.
It really seems like the card is done for. If you are worried for you personal info, you could get in touch with the manufacturer's customer support and see what are your options: e.g. returned it physically destroyed (this is not a joke), or ask for a some sort of a non-disclosure agreement about your personal info.

Good luck!
I had exactly the same situation with 4 Lexar SDXC and SDHC cards. Some got refund from retailer and one waiting me to contact with Lexar. Strange there is no solution for fix those relatively new cards.