Micro stuttering. in Windows 10


Dec 29, 2015
Hello everyone. i have a problem with my pc. recently i have been having alot of micro stuttering... not just in games but youtube video's to... my whole pc... i was wondering if anyone knew what was going on and try to help me fix this.... if anyone would help it would be Much MUCH appreciated... Thank you.

UPDATE: i tried to do a wipe on my hard drive. in windows 10 options without deleting the operating system... and it had failed... i dont know what to do next and i need help...
Sounds like just stuttering, not micro-stuttering which is uneven frame-time rendering. Check your ram usage, use resource monitor to monitor disk activity to see if something is acessing the hdd too frequently, and make sure your hdd isn't getting too full. Run hard drive diagnostic utility and something like memtest86+ to test your ram. Install and run up to date antivirus like AVG free or Malwarebytes, or both. And please, when asking for help, always list your full PC specs.
My ram usage is 1.9 out of 4gb when not playing games or video's. my hdd is at 80% when idle like doing nothing wich is a bit weird and my cpu is 7-10 % when not doing anything..... i apreciate all the help... Thanks
ok, yeah, 80% hdd activity seems to be the issue. Since your on win 10, just type "resource monitor" into the search bar on your task bar and open up that app. Go to the "Disk" section, if you click the top of the column that says "total b/s" it will order all the disk activity and one of the top few will have the highest usage. Now look across to the left to see which programs/services are hogging HDD time. Even take a screen shot of that if you can and get back to us. I would recommend that you do have 8gb for gaming though, 4gb is quite low now, with some games seeing improvement from more than 8gb. Cheers.
i had fixed the problem by re installing windows and wiping my HDD... but i dont want to do that every time that i have it... but i do know before i did it i tried to use anti virus/maleware cleaners and it did not work


yes, well a clean install is usually the last resort and will fix many problems, but glad you figured it out.
unfortunitly a clean install did not fix it... i think its frame skipping not micro or stuttering... just frame skipping for some reason... its happening all through out windows. youtube, scrolling, gaming, Everything you can possibly think of... it has only started happening after my upgrade... i upgraded it a ZOTAC gt 730 2gb zone edition gddr3... and a 520w insignia psu... but i have been thinking about getting a gtx 750 later... could my new graphics card be the problem or could it be my new power supply ?


You said at first you fixed the problem after clean install, but now you say it is back? perhaps it is something you installed after the clean install that is causing the problem. Or maybe just the HDD itself is dying?

Also I've never heard of that psu, sounds suspicious. Perhaps you have introduced an issue with that. What was the old power supply? a gt730 should run off even a 300w unit. maybe swap your old psu back in and see if the problem is gone?
thanks for replying... i dont want to use my old psu because some sites reccomend a 400 watt psu and i dont want to risk it... but i have an idea. i can hook up my old GPU and if the problem stops then it is just a faulty GPU ? well anyway i am going to get a gtx 750 soon... btw my psu is a 520 insignia power supply...


I had a stutter every 10 seconds. Without fail, every 10 seconds, exactly.

I tried all solutions provided that I could find on Google, nothing helped except one solution.

Control Panel > Power Options > Change Plan Settings (of the one you have active).

Turn off the display: Whatever you want
Put the computer to sleep: disable completely.

See if this solves the issue. It seems when the PC goes to sleep some...process decides to start doing weird things, even after you come back out of sleep. I noticed a spike in my CPU usage every 10 seconds, exactly when the stutter occurred. But I could not pinpoint the process or service responsible for this.

If that doesn't work, my settings are coupled with a few more in the "Change advanced power settings" option, which I will give you should the above not solve your issue.

Turn off the display. put it to sleep ? sorry could you explain it a bit better couldnt understand what you were trying to say. Thanks


OK let me first ask you this.

Does the stuttering happen with a clean boot? Like as in from the moment you boot into Windows and try to, for example, play some music?

Or does it happen once you let your PC idle for a while and then come back and try to play something?
Right when i boot my pc. the sound does not stutter the sound is perfecto but its the video thats stuttering


First try going into Control Panel > Power Options. Next to the selected plan, click "Change Plan Settings".

At the bottom click "Change advanced power settings".

In the dialog, scroll to your Grapihcs adapater, click the plus signs and change it to Maximum Performance if it isn't already.

In the same dialog, scroll to Display, and click the plus sign there, and in Enable Adaptive Brightness, turn the setting Off.

In the same dialog, scroll down to Multimedia Settings, click plus, then click plus on When Playing Video, and change it to Optimize Video Quality.

Reboot and see if this resolves the issue...

it did not work is there anything else i can do ?

It must be a bad driver or a bad driver update. I had the same issue. After a clean install and updating , the stutter came back. So I downloaded a program, DPC latency checker to check the interference in the audio/video. With this, I tried to disable and enable drivers whiles checking on the dpc monitor. Turns out it was one of the storage controller drivers. So I simply rolled back the update and restarted. Checked with dpc monitor and everything was fine, nor tall red bars. Everything is fine now for 3 months going. Hope this helps.