Yada yada yada... Hey, if you don't think you'd put SSDs, if you could afford multiples and have them in a raid0, that's your cup of tea... Any drive could fail, doesn't matter if it is a regular mechanical drive or an SSD... Not very long ago the same thing was said about any regular harddrive on the market, but now that most people can easily afford those, it's all kosher now... The probability of a hard drive failing in any raid array is higher than an SSD... I've had 4x 30gig OCZ vertexs and 2x 80gig Intel X25 raid 0 arrays in my builds for close to a year now and they haven't even budged... If you're scared you can always buy a cheap regular hard drive and back your files and image up... If you can't afford to do so, stop bashing folk who can or stop whinning...