Question Microphone randomly emits a super loud static noise without warning ?


Jul 13, 2020
Soo about less then a year ago(9 months probably) I bought a new microphone for around $30. It has a brand although i can barely find anything about the brand( FYI The brand is SoundTech and i bought this in Indonesia, since i live there).

Now to the problem. The mic sounds decent enough most of the time, but what really gets bad about it is that sometimes the microphone emits a full loud static noise, whether im in a call or not it just happens all of a sudden, without warning, anytime. The noise is really loud and static that you probably can't listen to it for like 3 seconds straight. Its that bad. I been trying to find ways to solve this problem but up till now i still cant find a solution. Does anyone have a similar problem to me or even a solution? all answers are appreciated, thanks 😀
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Would you happen to have a link to said microphone? If there are none, how is the microphone tethered to your system? Speaking of system, are we dealing with a desktop or a laptop? In either case, please parse a specs list if a system or make and model(and an SKU) to the laptop/prebuilt. We can move forward from there.
Would you happen to have a link to said microphone? If there are none, how is the microphone tethered to your system? Speaking of system, are we dealing with a desktop or a laptop? In either case, please parse a specs list if a system or make and model(and an SKU) to the laptop/prebuilt. We can move forward from there.

Heres a link where I bought the Microphone from=

I use a desktop with these specs=
I7 3770
GA-H61M-DS2 is my motherboard if not mistaken
16 Gigs of ddr3 Ram
GTX 950
A HDD with 1TB and a SSD with 256 GB
Windows 10 pro

Please reply if you would like to know other specific specs or if i missed out anything else, thanks 😀