Question Microphone refuses to work on Windows 10; Detected but does not input sound


Sep 5, 2016

I have a computer here and I am trying to get my microphone to work. Although I have the correct drivers installed obtain through the manufacturer's website it just absolutely refuses to work. If I go to input devices my microphone is detected, the Realtek audio manager even pops up and asks me what device I just connected. But despite all this, no matter how hard I scream on the microphone, the input levels just don't go up. I tested my headset on another WIndows 10 laptop and it worked perfectly, I also connected a USB headset and still no sound! What the heck Windows 10?!?!?!?

I am pretty much out of ideas here, what should I try? I already tried re-installing drivers, but if the USB headset doesn't work, then I think something's wrong with Windows 10

Update: I turned up the Microphone playback volume on the Realtek Audio Manager and I could hear myself, but for some reason Windows 10 itself doesn't want to utilise that same audio input... not sure why

My Mobo is: B85-HD3 from Gigabyte

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Okay, I fixed it. In case anyone else is looking at this thread with the same problem the fix is simple, there is nothing wrong with the microphone AND Windows is detecting and utilising it properly but little baby Realtek Audio Manager has merged all audio jack's input into a single device in Windows and that causes a bit of confusion, to fix this I went back to Realtek's Audio Manager, clicked on "Device Advanced Settings" and went to the recording section and selected the option to "seperate all jack inputs as independent audio devices" and applied

Now if you go back to Windows 10's Sound window and into the Recording tab, a bunch of new input devices have popped up like "rear audio input jack" select the one you have connected your microphone on and move on with your life. Note that for some reason the little green audio meter Windows 10 puts next to that device to measure sound input level appears to not go up when you speak but it works perfectly on other apps, not really sure why that's the case so don't trust testing your mic based on that meter.

Don't know why I had to go through all this hell to figure this out and why Windows 10 made it look like no input was going through the microphone even though others could hear my perfectly, it's what utimately tricked me -_-