I don't think those two crowds are anywhere near to close to being the same.
Antstream is the exact opposite to what you heard even in this thread from people that use emulation, having to pay for every time you play a game you already own is exactly what nobody will do, it's only good for streamers/creators.
I don't think it really matters if the two crowds are close to being the same.
We're talking about from Microsofts, and somewhat by extension Antstream's, point of view, since Phil Spencer was apparently very invested in getting the service on the platform, so there were probably negotiations involved.
The most dedicated people will now stick to dev mode.
Personally, I've just given up on emulating via Xbox, since whilst I paid for dev mode over a year ago and the option is still there for me, its just not convenient enough for me to bother with going that route vs PC.
Retail mode emulation had the convenience factor.
I'm also not interested in the concept of paying to stream old games, with all the unnecessary resources being used up there, streaming vast quantities of video data to play games that are a couple of MB in size.
Maybe that timing is coincidence, but the point is that the spiel about Nintendo being responsible for this is apparently false according to the people that were actually working on the retail mode emulation side of things, and they don't exactly have a reason to be defending Nintendo.
That's worth bringing up.
I can't say Antstream *is* the reason, but its none the less still a plausible one.
Microsoft always removed the apps from the store as they were found, the escalation came when they remotely blocked the apps from running at all on peoples consoles around April.
The account suspensions for users and console bans for uploaders, ie a completely scorched earth policy, have started 1 week after the launch of Antstream.
If nothing else, that's very coincidental.