Here's the thing. If your running unsupported hardware you already know it. I'm guilty of that but I roll with the punches. Best advice to keep an un supported PC running where you know that OS update are coming that might give issues later.
Is before the update hits is take a blank SSD or hard drive. Make a fresh install of your current working windows 11 whatever version your on. Fully update until Microsoft says your PC is up to date.
I like to put all my driver on as well and at least my accounts to GOG, steam bla bla bla.
Now take drive and clone it again and test the clone #2 back in the PC. If it works call it good now you have two perfect working copies that can keep that PC working for years, Sure your stuck in time at the version of windows 11 that was cloned but PC will live.
Whenever you need to refresh computer use those clones to clone it to your regular "c" drive. Than put clone back away for a rainy day.
Take the clones and put it somewhere safe.
I did this same thing back when Windows 7 got it's pink slip.
Xp I slipstreamed into an ISO fully registered with full updates service pack 3 all dot nets updated, direct X so that's on a DVD ready to throw on if needed.
Vista well I know somewhere in time I have the service packs down loaded somewhere, I didn't have much love for Vista so If I had to I could but that would be work.
Windows 8 I didn't try to preserve future installs never liked.