[citation][nom]IzzyCraft[/nom]adblock plus -> HOSTS file manager like HOSTS man which boasts the added benefit of blocking bad sites and not being platform specific browser or os but is weaker in blocking some types of ads.Fastest Fox -> depends ionno one thing that replaces it quite so much but i think IE accelerators? what they did with IE8 could replace that in ways but ionno if it's specific enough for the jobVideoDownload Helper -> there are sites that do that job just fine and wont be an add on to your browserDownThemAll -> ionno anything that short cuts this in IE,Haha oh well i tried!I use Opera personally even though it has problems with sites and crap just because of out of box customization and i like how it manages passwords.IE9 should be nice but overall speed means shit to me that's maybe half a sec diff between rendering of a full webpage for a browser which pretty much is nothing after you throw in Internet differences. What most people want is perceived speed interpolated loading of images and crap like that.The speed crap isn't going to get me excited for IE, it going to be UI changes and crap like that, that will get me to consider using it.[/citation]The one thing I've noticed with time is that people simply tend to prefer what they use because they actually know how to use it...
There have been add-ons to IE like IE7pro with add-blockers for as long as the browser existed; just a download manager, spellchecker, and many of the fancy things people say IE can't do. The other day I got my firefox fanatic colleage to explain me the greatest thing of Firefox was the keyboard shortcuts navigation; happend to be that IE had every single shortcut he mentioned (but had never bothered trying to fint out).
Same goes for internet straight video downloading plugins, which are just as abondant (an easy and good working one is Real Video's one, which can be installed together with their free player).
I personally use both firefox and IE; firefox used to be faster, it isn't that much so anymore unless you have a very old computer; at home I can't see any difference anymore (I5 + SSD + 8GB RAM). IE8 used to be buggier, now it's the other way around. Overall I always enjoy some things better on one of them, others on the other one. A few quick things I like about IE and miss in Firefox are:
- accelerators and specially web-slices
- the ability to handle several simultaneous windows live accounts
- the way it handles favorites and overall customizable button layout
- coloured tabs depending on their parent
- process independent tabs, which means that when one of them crashes it doesn't affect the others (firefox kills everything you had at once...)
- better compatibility with many sites, and also third party plugins that for some reason aren't developed for firefox.
Since most here are firefox fans, I don't think you need me to tell you what makes it a pretty nice browser.
Either way; looking forward to the new browser experiences that newer browsers seem to be readying (many of the tests on the IE9 platform preview are baffling).