I always thought that Windows 8 had the potential for putting an end to ipad domination. I also stipulated that in order to dominate the market, Microsoft needed to focus on making money with the Metro marketplace and not the windows 8 software. Meaning, they would practically have to give the software away since the market is already dominated. The seemless integration bettween the tablet, phone, Xbox, and computer is a great idea, but they need to take a lesson from motorolla and all these other jokers trying to compete in the market place. If you price yourself out of the market, you will fail. "PERIOD".
Also as far as the office software is concerned, I have pages and numbers on my ipad and in alot of ways, they are much easier to use than word and excel (especially for personal use) and, they only cost $10 each. The only reason why microsoft has survived so far is that people really don't have much of a choice when buying a computer in order to stay compatible with everything. Once more and more things become browser and cloud driven, maybe more people will switch to a linux distro, or chrome unless Microsoft changes its strategy.