Microsoft: Cloud Will Quadruple Power of Xbox One

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"This allows developers to assume that there's roughly three times the resources immediately available to their game."
So, they said it doesn't require a constant internet connection, but now they say developers can assume that you are constantly connected, essentially?
I'm happy for all the 12 yr olds out there that will think this is the best thing since the wheel. For us adults that game we know what the true gaming platform is.
What about us Australians with ~200ms+ pings? How will this service deliver the data fast enough when the connection is already a bit shoddy?
Congesting a small road with a traffic jam is going to make this worse, not better.
Sounds like someone is little scared of the hardware in the PS4.
Also for physics? Oh boy, waiting on those packets for cloud calculations is going to cause glitch city. And what about those times when one's internet is down? Is the game unplayable?
Sounds great for people who have internet speeds like 100 down and 40 up, hope you enjoy it while am stuck at 1.5 down and .3 up. I'll take more local power anyday than the gimmiky cloud.
Sounds like I we are going to need a fibre connection to make this possible.. were are all these resources going to come from with millions playing? I know the bottle neck is going to be connection speed latency is going to be ridiculous
They problem I see with this statement, is that Microsoft assumes that everyone has a good internet connection that could support constant information from the cloud. OnLive tried cloud gaming and even though what they accomplished was amazing, their service would freeze and time out on even the best of internet connections.
The other issue is that with constant downloading/uploading from the cloud, you could reach the limits of your internet service provider, and then they will throttle your connection. Having a throttled connection while synchronizing with the cloud and multi-player gaming, could equal a very bad user experience.
The other issue is that with constant downloading/uploading from the cloud, you could reach the limits of your internet service provider, and then they will throttle your connection. Having a throttled connection while synchronizing with the cloud and multi-player gaming, could equal a very bad user experience.
I really wish this whole 'cloud' terminology would just stop being used - it's creating a whole generation of idiots who don't understand simple server/client relationships and make it seem like it's some special magic technology.
Persistent worlds/levels? Yes, it's called connecting to a server which is running it all the time. Offloaded computation? So if those volumetrics have to change, like when something passes through them, you have to wait for that to go between server and client. Either that or you have looking very nice and not realistically changing.
Not at all interested in all the 'social this', 'cloud that' b.s. that the XB1 seems to be touting. I don't need a piece of equipment that connects to anything and everything - I have real equipment seperately to do that. I just want a gaming console to play games when i'm not using, you know, a pc.
So you can play minesweep without net connection but anything more demanding needs cloud computing to become playable... interesting... Actually more interesting in reality is how game developers handle different situansions, when one player is playing the same game without internet connection, one have 3g mobile phone connection and one high speed wired connection. How they will scale the play experiment? Is there speed difference, graphic difference, or what between those players playing the same game. Indeed interesting!
It is now easy to see why the Xbox is suposed to be allways in internet connection, hopefully there is some way of playing allso without connection from time to time and have the extra eye candy when you have the connection. A lot of unansvered questions in there.
So what they're saying is....The Xbox One will just be a gloriifed OnLive?
Honestly, OnLive technically should be able to compete with the Xbox One directly considering you always have to be online.
Three times times the power would mean 24 Jaguar cores @ 1.6/2 GHZ and 2304 GCN cores just added to the console !
That would make it more powerfull than a system with a 3930K and a GTX 780 !
So I imagine there are going to be graphics settings being switched on/off depending on if the person is playing while connected to the cloud or not ?
And this will most likely be handled automatically?
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