For many of you who are of the opinion that Apple and Google have some great knowledge of the "proper" way to do mobile devices with a bunch of discrete OS's, I have to ask you, do you really think that was because of some great and well thought out master plan so much as a recognition of the technical limitations of mobile platforms at the time they were making them? Simply put, an OS as capable as a desktop OS couldn't possibly run on an original iPod touch, iPhone, iPad, or Android equivalent. This will not be the case for much longer.
We are on the verge of video signals being wirelessly transmitted like wifi signals, devices seamlessly connecting to and streaming video and audio across networks, of tablet and phone sized devices which can run full x86 applications. What amazes me is that many of you think that it, in the face of this, is somehow "clever" to keep rinky-dink OS's which are too limited to make use of potential like this. Many of you clamouring for limited phone/tablet OS's are missing the fact of technological development that tiny machines can now have hardware that can successfully run x86 applications, and we're only a few years out - if that - from phones that can could run games as good looking as those you'd see on an XBOX 360 or PS3 along with everything else a full PC can do.
Personally, I'd rather not have current mobile OS philosophy holding back the potential of mobile hardware. I can't help but thinking that a lot of you disagree and are happy with mobile devices whose potential is a tiny screen, half-arsed e-mail and productivity apps rather than proper applications, and Plants VS Zombies being a technical achievement for its graphics output. We are on the verge of tiny little devices being able to do 95% of what we now do with PCs - so why the heck do so many of you want a status quo of OS development that came into existence because of hardware limitations to outlive the hardware limitations?
The funny thing is, if MS doesn't jump on this boat, many of you will be laughing at them in 5 to 10 years when there are Linux distros that work on your phone and then seamlessly output to your 4k tv when you get home without having some rinky-dink OS that is still stuck using apps and you'll all think you are oh-so-clever...