But you will be downloading, constantly, as assets are streamed, cached, processed, purged, repeat. This game will literally kill peoples SSD's and NVMe's with all the write cycles and hit that TBW fast. Anyone considering this game should buy a dedicated small 150GB SSD or NVMe. Modest 50GB for the game and 100GB cache for assets and game updates.But you don't want to have to wait, while it downloads and pre-installs the maps needed for your flight plan, before you can take off. Do you? If it downloads the assets as you're flying, then you can take off almost immediately (provided you have enough bandwidth) and then fly anywhere you want.
I don't know anything about MSFS, but I would hope that a big enough cache could avoid it having to download hardly anything during your subsequent flights over the same areas.
As for the waiting to download part you mentioned, that's not my gripe. My gripe is that when they get tired of hosting it, they'll Ubisoft this like it's 'The Crew' and it will be unplayable.
I know they need to charge full price for the base game to offset development and said hosting but I have a feeling a paid tier for premium/priority/HighRes servers is going to show it's face down the line.
To think it will stay alive forever is unreasonable but what they should do when EOL comes around is make the servers open/free software so people can use their API to the maps data and still be playable.
As it stands, who knows if their servers will even be able to take the load initially. I'm going to wait this out. Actually I take that back, I'm not going to even be playing this, I just wanted to make some points for people to keep in mind.
I still have a 700 (total) page Operation Manual for the Saturn V Rocket and the LM Module to live my Apollo-era fantasy in 'Reentry'. The most complex and time consuming simulator you'll ever "play".