News Microsoft gets community note on Twitter for saying Snapdragon Copilot+ PCs are the fastest Windows devices — users strike back, saying Snapdragon...

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Why are you trying to pump up Intel and AMD so hard by propagating false information? There is no integrity in this world anymore. Show me an Intel or AMD mobile processor that outperforms the X Elite. Show me one that doesn't throttle performance down while on battery to try to keep up with the battery life of the X Elite.
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Why are you trying to pump up Intel and AMD so hard by propagating false information? There is no integrity in this world anymore. Show me an Intel or AMD mobile processor that outperforms the X Elite. Show me one that doesn't throttle performance down while on battery to try to keep up with the battery life of the X Elite.
Nothing you’ve posted is true. Everything in the article is true. You obviously don’t understand how limited snapdragon really is. Microsoft lies about all of its hardware capabilities.

This isn’t any different than lying about its game consoles its Surface tablets and laptops are all garbage.

Surface tablets and laptops sales have completely collapsed Microsoft gaming division has done nothing but lose money on every console its sold. Cloud is a bad joke.

Everything you asked about is readily available you just need to read it.

Microsoft builds crap and lies about its capabilities that’s how Microsoft has always done business
Really? "Can't game" ? Ridiculous, I just bought 6 random games on steam and they all run 60fps at 1080p medium settings. Ace combat 7? Random Lego video game, unravel 2, portal 2, Castle crashers? How is that not gaming? 80% of my steam catalogue plays just fine, and after AVX support comes that'll be 90% minus any trendy live multiplayer game that requires anti cheat. Btw it does support anti cheat but the only thing stopping x elite gaming is easy anti cheat and you need to stop publishing slander articles claiming it doesn't have the hardware to game just because EPIC games can't get it together.
Nothing you’ve posted is true. Everything in the article is true. You obviously don’t understand how limited snapdragon really is. Microsoft lies about all of its hardware capabilities.

This isn’t any different than lying about its game consoles its Surface tablets and laptops are all garbage.

Surface tablets and laptops sales have completely collapsed Microsoft gaming division has done nothing but lose money on every console its sold. Cloud is a bad joke.

Everything you asked about is readily available you just need to read it.

Microsoft builds crap and lies about its capabilities that’s how Microsoft has always done business
Have you even tried one of these elite laptops?
Prove that x elite runs worse than any thin laptop form factor. If you actually have tried gaming rather than basing your stance on YouTube videos and articles from 6 months ago you'd realize the only thing stopping x elite is AVX support and easy anti cheat. Just like the beloved steam deck eac is the problem not the hardware. Get off your Microsoft soapbox, you act like they're the only game in town. Man, the misinformation is crazy. Whatever I'm gonna go play rocket League on my Samsung x elite for two hours on battery
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